almost 4 years ago, Mark Westerburg
The month of March is flying by! Seniors, have you started working on your Willits Local Scholarship application yet? Every year Willits community organizations give money to graduating seniors going to vocational school or college but you have to apply to be considered. Last year the graduating class of 2020 received $109,500. The deadline to apply is Wednesday March 31st by 4:00 p.m. The program information was emailed to you on March 1st and is available on the Willits High School Scholarship Information page:
almost 4 years ago, Nicole Burke
Scholarship app and money
Reopening for on-site instruction. This is the phased in process that will be used. March 15/16 There will be no school for students at Brookside, Blosser, BGMS to prepare the staff and site for the return of students. March 17 Wednesday 0n-site and Dist.Learning resumes - Brookside K-2, Blosser 3-5, BGMS 6th grade only. March 22 Sherwood K-8, Sanhedrin 9-12, BGMS 7-8 March 28 WHS 9th and 10th, Ind. Study students where space is available April 12 WHS 11th and 12th Bus runs, start times and schedule changes will be sent out by the schools sites on Friday.
almost 4 years ago, Mark Westerburg
back to school
It's that time of year again! Time to choose your courses for next school year that is! It is critical that all students take the time to complete the Course Request Google Form that has been emailed to them. Please talk things over with your parents and submit your course requests no later than March 19th! Need help? The counselors are available for 1-on-1 appointments and will be doing video walkthroughs of the google form next week to help students and parents and answer any questions that come up. A google calendar invite was emailed to parents and students. Didn't receive it? No problem! Just email your student's counselor to request that it is resent to you.
almost 4 years ago, Nicole Burke
Course Requests
The Willits Local Scholarship Program application for the graduating class of 2021 is now open! Students may submit applications between March 1st through March 31st. All completed applications are due by March 31st by 4:00 p.m. No exceptions for applications submitted after this deadline. Details have been emailed to all seniors and parents of seniors. If you did not receive the email, the information is also available on the Willits High School Scholarship Information webpage available here: Good luck and happy scholarship hunting!
about 4 years ago, Nicole Burke
Local Scholarships
Any seniors planning to go to Mendocino College next year? The deadline to apply for the annual Mendocino College scholarship is March 1st! Go here to learn more:
about 4 years ago, Nicole Burke
MC Scholarship
Seniors! The California State deadline for the FAFSA or Dream Act applications is March 2nd! If you have not done so already, please submit your FAFSA or Dream Act applications by March 2nd! Otherwise you may miss out on free state aid like CalGrant! Go to for the FAFSA application or for the Dream Act Application
about 4 years ago, Nicole Burke
CA FAFSA Deadline
Good Sign! First HS Swim Practice Today.
about 4 years ago, Mark Westerburg
Brookside had an electrical short in a heating blower that smolder this afternoon. The staff acted quickly got the fire department there to take care of it. It was room 19 in the west wing everything is back in place now. Thank you to the fire department for the quick service.
about 4 years ago, Mark Westerburg
Brookside had an electrical short in a heating blower that smolder this afternoon. The staff acted quickly got the fire department there to take care of it. It was room 19 in the west wing everything is back in place now. Thank you to the fire department for the quick service.
about 4 years ago, Mark Westerburg
The Willits teachers will open up today on their online classes if they’re able to and we would like students to connect if they can. We understand that there are still some power issues around town but if you have access please login.
about 4 years ago, Mark Westerburg
Because of bad driving conditions and multiple power outages throughout the district, Willitst unified schools will be closed today.
about 4 years ago, Mark Westerburg
Weather Update! Based on the expected conditions, WUSD will not have any on-site instruction on Wednesday the 27th. However, unless there is a power outage at home online instruction will continue on Wednesday as normal.
about 4 years ago, Mark Westerburg
Parents and Students: We are still operating under our Seemless Summer program. Anyone who is 18 years old or younger, enrolled or not, can receive at no cost a breakfast and/or lunch. Households can pick up to five days at a time including weekends. Meals can be picked up at the Willits High School cafeteria Monday through Friday from 8am to 2 PM. Deliveries are available upon request on a daily or weekly basis. During winter break, meals can be picked up Monday and Tuesday, December 21st and 22nd and Monday and Tuesday the 28th and 29th from 8 to 2 PM. You can call the cafeteria to set up delivery or with any questions you may have at 707-459-7700 ex 1555.
about 4 years ago, Mark Westerburg
Here is the link to the Spanish Version of the Parent Survey on reopening.
over 4 years ago, Mark Westerburg
Do you have everything you need heading into the holiday season? The Counseling Department has created a Parent Support page where you can find resources related to accessing food, financial assistance, housing assistance, health insurance, mental health help, and how to support your student with online learning. Go here to access the page:
over 4 years ago, Nicole Burke
So far WUSD has only received responses representing 370 of approximately 1500 students in the district. In order for us to get a clearer picture of your wishes, we must hear from more of our families. Below are the current results. If you have not filled out the survey please click on this link.
over 4 years ago, Mark Westerburg
Reminder! Financial Aid Information Night is tomorrow Tuesday 11/17! A zoom link was emailed to all seniors and their parents! Please activate the zoom link and register to attend! It will be offered in English from 6:00-7:15 p.m. & in Spanish from 7:30-8:30 p.m. Don't miss out!
over 4 years ago, Nicole Burke
Virtual Financial Aid Night
The WHS Academic Decathlon team met today for their first scrimmage of the year.  They join 600 other students across California as they take 7 subjects tests about the Cold War online.   The team’s theme this year is about perseverance and overcoming obstacles we face during the pandemic.   The team took extra social distancing precautions in order to take their tests at school today with 2-3 students per classroom. Thank you Coach Colvig for making it happen.
over 4 years ago, Mark Westerburg
Acad Deth
Seniors & Parents! Want to learn more about Financial Aid & FAFSA/Dream Act applications? Mark your calendars for Financial Aid Information Night on Tues November 17th! 6:00-7:10 p.m. for the English presentation and again from 7:20-8:00 p.m. in Spanish! Come connect with an expert! A zoom link will be emailed to students and parents soon.
over 4 years ago, Nicole Burke
Virtual Financial Aid Night