Our historians hyping up the crowd.
over 5 years ago, Shawna Byrns
Logan’s Simms
Jacob Arms
Varsity Football wins at home tonight 20-0 over Mckinleyville.
over 5 years ago, Mark Westerburg
Hello Parents and Guardians of Willits High School students. We would like to invite you to Willits High School's Back to School Night, tonight August 29th at 6:00 pm . We hope to see you all there.
over 5 years ago, Willits Unified
If you are going to volunteer with WUSD this year you need to have your fingerprints done. The company Print Your Mitts, will be at Brookside Elementary Open House on Thursday at 6 PM until 8. WUSD has a form that the DOJ charges us $32 for us to have processed and Mitt Your Mitts will charge you $30 for their service. If your interested please have 2 checks available to use. We greatly appreciate our volunteers. We don't have any choice on the rules or cost. I would get there early, last year there was a line.
over 5 years ago, Mark Westerburg
Print Your Mitts
Thank you to the Willits Education Foundation for an awesome Summer Gala.
over 5 years ago, Mark Westerburg
Summer Gala 2019
First dance of the year at WHS.
over 5 years ago, Mark Westerburg
First dance of the year at WHS 2019.
First WHS Dance of the year 2019.
Reminder: All WUSD schools are on regular schedule today. Our first minimum day of the school year will be next Tuesday, August 27th.
over 5 years ago, Mark Westerburg
Hello Willits High School parents! The Counseling Department would like you to know that students and parents have the first five days of the term to request a schedule change. Students must submit a blue slip requesting a schedule change to the counseling office. Blue slips are available in the main office. After the first five days of the term, there are no more changes. Not all requests can or will be accommodated. Upperclassmen receive priority. It may take the counselors a few days to get to a student's request. Please be patient as they are both working through hundreds of schedule change requests.
over 5 years ago, Jennifer Maples
Link Crew for WHS Freshman Orientation 2019
over 5 years ago, Mark Westerburg
Link Crew Freshman Orientation
Chromebook insurance can be paid online! Students in the 1:1 Chromebook take home program can log into Worth Ave Group here => https://gpo.worthavegroup.com/gpo/willits
over 5 years ago, Willits Unified
Go to the Apple Store or Google Play to get the Willits USD mobile app for your phone.
over 5 years ago, Mark Westerburg
Willits USD App
2019-2020 Willits Unified School District Calendar
over 5 years ago, Willits Unified
Mark you calendars