Hello seniors and parents! This is a reminder that the deadline to submit your Willits local scholarship applications is March 14th. Check your email or go to the WHS Scholarship Information page for more details. https://www.willitsunified.com/o/whs/page/scholarship-information
1 day ago, Nicole Burke
going merry
Hello, Mendocino College is hosting a career exploration event on Thursday March thirteenth from ten to one at the Ukiah campus. Students will be able to explore Mendocino College’s certificate and degree programs. This would be beneficial for seniors who do not necessarily know what they want to do after graduation, want to join the workforce right after high school, or want to attend a local community college in the fall. Space at the event is limited. The first fifteen seniors to turn in completed field trip permission forms to Mrs. Burke may attend. Field trip permission forms are available in the main office. The deadline to turn in field trip permission forms is Tomorrow March sixth.
3 days ago, Nicole Burke
Hello seniors and parents. If you applied to any UC or CSU colleges and plan to attend directly out of high school, please report ANY changes to your high school spring term schedule as soon as possible. The student is responsible for contacting the admissions office of each UC or CSU they applied to and report any changes as soon as possible. If changes are not reported, they may rescind their admissions offer. It may be a good idea to double check with any private or out of state colleges if you applied to those as well.  If you are planning to go to a community college, trade school, join the military, or workforce directly out of high school, this does not apply to you. 
4 days ago, Nicole Burke
Hello seniors and parents. This is a reminder that we will be hosting a Mendocino College orientation in the Media Center or Library next week on Wednesday March twelfth at twelve thirty p.m. Students planning to attend Mendocino College in the fall must complete the six registration steps. Step three is the orientation. Please plan to be there on Wednesday March twelfth at twelve thirty p.m. to get this registration step completed. If you would like to learn more about the steps to register at Mendocino College please check your email.
4 days ago, Nicole Burke
Hello seniors and parents! The priority deadline for the FAFSA and Dream Act applications has been extended to April 2nd. Per California law, all seniors are required to submit a FAFSA or Dream Act application or complete an opt out waiver prior to graduation. You need to provide proof of submission or a signed waiver to Mrs. Burke as soon as possible.. If you have already showed proof to Mrs. Burke or submitted a waiver then please disregard this message. Waivers are available in the main office. Check your email for more information.
8 days ago, Nicole Burke
FAFSA Dream Act
Hello Seniors! This is the final reminder that the deadline to apply to the Mendocino College scholarship is March first. If you are planning to go to Mendocino College after high school then you do not want to miss out on this opportunity! Please check your email to learn more about applying.
9 days ago, Nicole Burke
Mendo scholars
Annual opp
Hello, Mendocino College is hosting a career exploration event on Thursday March thirteenth from ten to one at the Ukiah campus. Students will be able to explore Mendocino College’s certificate and degree programs. This would be beneficial for seniors who do not necessarily know what they want to do after graduation, want to join the workforce right after high school, or want to attend a local community college in the fall. Space at the event is limited. The first fifteen seniors to turn in completed field trip permission forms to Mrs. Burke may attend. Field trip permission forms are available in the main office. The deadline to turn in field trip permission forms is Thursday March sixth.
10 days ago, Nicole Burke
Hello seniors and parents. We will be hosting a Mendocino College orientation in the Media Center or Library on Wednesday March twelfth at twelve thirty p.m. Students planning to attend Mendocino College in the fall must complete the six registration steps. Step three is the orientation. Please plan to be there on Wednesday March twelfth at twelve thirty p.m. to get this registration step completed. If you would like to learn more about the steps to register at Mendocino College please check your email.
11 days ago, Nicole Burke
Hello! This is a reminder for seniors and parents that the priority deadline for the FAFSA and Dream Act applications is Monday March third. Per California law, all seniors are now required to submit a FAFSA or Dream Act application prior to graduation. Mendocino College and the Student Aid Commission are hosting application workshops throughout February. You need to provide proof of submission to Mrs. Burke by February twenty eighth. Check your email for more information.
12 days ago, Nicole Burke
FAFSA Dream Act
Seniors! If you are a first, second, or third generation immigrant who is planning to go to a two or four year college after graduation, do not miss out on the Penserra Foundation Scholarships! More information has been emailed to you. The deadline to apply is March third. Go here to apply: https://10000degrees.org/students-alumni/scholarships/
12 days ago, Nicole Burke
Penserra scholarships
Hello seniors and parents! This is a reminder that the Willits local scholarship program is open until March fourteenth. Also, the deadline to apply to the Community Foundation of Mendocino County Scholarships is March first. Check your email or go to the WHS Scholarship Information page for more details. https://www.willitsunified.com/o/whs/page/scholarship-information
15 days ago, Nicole Burke
Comm found local
Hello students and parents. This is the final reminder that students and parents have until tomorrow to finalize their course requests for next school year in Aeries. Please speak with your student about their course requests for next school year. Please note that next year, schedule changes will be limited to valid educational reasons such as not having completed the prerequisites to take a class or missing a core class required for graduation.
16 days ago, Nicole Burke
final requests
Hello Seniors! If you are planning to go to Mendocino College after high school then you do not want to miss out on their annual scholarship opportunity! Please check your email to learn more about applying. The college is hosting application workshops throughout February. Applications are due March first!
16 days ago, Nicole Burke
Mendo scholars
Annual opp
Hello, this is a reminder that the University of California will host a free virtual event on Tuesday February twenty fifth for students and families who are interested in learning more about UC admission and their nine undergraduate campuses. Students in grades nine through eleven or community college students who are interested in applying to UC for fall twenty twenty six or beyond are welcome to attend. Registration is required and space is limited. Please check your email for more details and the link to register.
18 days ago, Nicole Burke
UC for everyone
Hello seniors and parents! This is the final reminder that Senior Portfolio interview nights begin tomorrow evening. The Senior Portfolio and interview are Willits Board of Education requirements and attendance is mandatory. The interviews will be on Wednesday February nineteenth and Thursday February twentieth from five thirty to eight o'clock each night in the Media Center/Library. The schedule has been emailed to you. Students should plan to arrive at least 10 minutes prior to their interview start time and bring their Chromebooks in addition to their portfolios!
18 days ago, Nicole Burke
Seniors! If you are a first, second, or third generation immigrant who is planning to go to a two or four year college after graduation, do not miss out on the Penserra Foundation Scholarships! More information has been emailed to you. The deadline to apply is March third. Go here to apply: https://10000degrees.org/students-alumni/scholarships/
18 days ago, Nicole Burke
Penserra scholarships
Hello students and parents. This is a reminder that students and parents have until Friday February twenty first to finalize their course requests for next school year in Aeries. Please speak with your student about their course requests for next school year. Please note that next year, schedule changes will be limited to valid educational reasons such as not having completed the prerequisites to take a class or missing a core class required for graduation. Please contact your student's School Counselor if you would like to schedule a meeting to discuss your student's course requests before Friday February twenty first. An email has been sent out with this information as well.
23 days ago, Nicole Burke
reminder requests
Hello seniors and parents! This is a reminder that Senior Portfolio interview nights are next week! The Senior Portfolio and interview are Willits Board of Education requirements and attendance is mandatory. The interviews will be on Wednesday February nineteenth and Thursday February twentieth from five thirty to eight o'clock each night in the Media Center/Library. Students who have a job should make arrangements to have those nights off in advance. Please use the remaining time left in your Senior Seminar class to complete your portfolio requirements. The schedule has been emailed to you. Students should plan to arrive at least ten minutes prior to their interview start time.
24 days ago, Nicole Burke
Hello, the University of California will host a free virtual event on Tuesday February twenty fifth for students and families who are interested in learning more about UC admission and their nine undergraduate campuses. Students in grades nine through eleven or community college students who are interested in applying to UC for fall twenty twenty six or beyond are welcome to attend. Registration is required and space is limited. Please check your email for more details and the link to register.
25 days ago, Nicole Burke
UC for everyone
Hello! This is a reminder for seniors and parents that the priority deadline for the FAFSA and Dream Act applications is Monday March third. Per California law, all seniors are now required to submit a FAFSA or Dream Act application prior to graduation. Mendocino College and the Student Aid Commission are hosting application workshops throughout February. Hello! This is a reminder for seniors and parents that the priority deadline for the FAFSA and Dream Act applications is Monday March third. Per California law, all seniors are now required to submit a FAFSA or Dream Act application prior to graduation. Mendocino College and the Student Aid Commission are hosting application workshops throughout February. You need to provide proof of submission to Mrs. Burke by Friday February twenty eighth. Check your email for more information.
26 days ago, Nicole Burke
FAFSA Dream Act