Seniors! Have you completed your FAFSA or Dream Act application yet? This is the first step in qualifying for financial aid after high school. The priority deadline is March 2nd! The Counseling Department will be hosting a FAFSA/Dream Act application night on Wednesday February 23rd from 6:00-8:00 in the Willits High School Computer Lab Room 33. Bring your parent or guardian and get step by step help from financial aid professionals! Don't forget that you and your parent need an FSA I.D. in order to submit your application. Do this before February 23rd by going to
almost 3 years ago, Nicole Burke
The Willits Local Scholarship Program is now open for the Class of 2022!​ There are scholarships available for graduating seniors planning to attend 2 or 4-year colleges and or trade school!​ The full program information and applications can be found on the Willits High School website under Scholarship Information. Xerox night is Monday 3/21 from 3:00-5:00 p.m. in the Willits High School main hallway. Applications are due Thursday 3/24 by 4:00 pm. No exceptions! ​Have your student make an appointment with their Counselor for help before 3/18!
almost 3 years ago, Nicole Burke
Local Scholarship Program 2022
Are you a senior planning to attend Mendocino College after graduation? Don't miss out on applying for the Mendocino College Scholarship! The deadline to apply is March 1st. For more information and to submit an application go to
almost 3 years ago, Nicole Burke
Mendocino College Scholarship
Seniors! Have you completed your FAFSA or Dream Act application yet? This is the first step in qualifying for financial aid after high school. The priority deadline is March 2nd! The Counseling Department will be hosting a FAFSA/Dream Act application night on Wednesday February 23rd from 6:00-8:00 in the Willits High School Computer Lab Room 33. Bring your parent or guardian and get step by step help from financial aid professionals! Don't forget that you and your parent need an FSA I.D. in order to submit your application. Do this before February 23rd by going to
almost 3 years ago, Nicole Burke
Dear Families of WUSD, This week our students and staff have been heavily impacted by COVID. Currently about 15% of our staff and about 20% of our students are out. After careful consideration, we have decided to close school tomorrow, Friday, January 14, 2022. This missed day will be made up on Friday, March 18, 2022 (prior snow day). Also, as a reminder Monday, January 17th is a federal holiday to honor Martin Luther King Jr. and schools are closed. We will resume classes on Tuesday, January 18, 2022.We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your support.
almost 3 years ago, Nicole Burke
Good Evening, Willits High School will be having picture days next week on Wednesday, September 8th and Thursday, September 9th. Please check student and parent emails for more information, order forms and schedules. Get those smiles ready!
over 3 years ago, Amanda Maciel
Picture Day 1
In order to successfully increase funding to increase or improve educational opportunities for the students of Willits Unified it’s important to please complete the Educational Benefit Form every year. Please complete the Educational Benefit Form online here => Without these forms completed, we may lose funding that directly supports our students' education. This form is also used to determine eligibility for participation in various programs including reduced or free fees for After School Education & Safety (ASES), waiver of fees for taking Advanced Placement (AP) exams, and other programs.
over 3 years ago, Jennifer Maples
Educational Benefit Form
Prom 2021 ! Wonderful event! Thank you to the parents who made it happen and the perfect choice of a venue.
over 3 years ago, Mark Westerburg
PROM 2021
PROM 2021
PROM 2021
PROM 2021
Is your student going to Prom tonight? Shailyn Brewer has graciously donated her time and will be handling all of the photography for the event. Shailyn and Emily Matheson will be offering free pre-prom photos at the Brooktrails Golf Course from 4:30pm- 7:00pm, after that the photo ladies will head to the event to take pictures at prom. For information on how to receive the pictures, please contact Shailyn B. photography on Facebook or Instagram. Thank you, and have a safe night!
over 3 years ago, Jennifer Maples
Will you be a Junior or Senior next year? Wanna have fun, play games, make new friends, and mentor the incoming freshmen? Join Link Crew! There is no minimum requirements to apply. What do you have to lose? Become a Link Leader! The deadline to apply is Monday May 24th. Check your email or go to the Willits High School Link Crew Webpage and fill out the application at the bottom of the page.
over 3 years ago, Nicole Burke
Link Crew
​Enrollment for the Emergency Broadband Benefit is now open. The Emergency Broadband Benefit will provide a discount of up to $50 per month towards broadband service for eligible households and up to $75 per month for households on qualifying Tribal lands. Eligible households can also receive a one-time discount of up to $100 to purchase a laptop, desktop computer, or tablet from participating providers if they contribute more than $10 and less than $50 toward the purchase price. Families of WUSD all qualify under the CEP free lunch food program. Please check to see if your service provider is participating under the Emergency Broadband Benefit and go to for more information now! La inscripción para el beneficio de banda ancha de emergencia ya está abierta. El beneficio de banda ancha de emergencia proporcionará un descuento de hasta $ 50 por mes para el servicio de banda ancha para hogares elegibles y hasta $ 75 por mes para hogares en tierras tribales elegibles. Los hogares elegibles también pueden recibir un descuento único de hasta $ 100 para comprar una computadora portátil, computadora de escritorio o tableta de los proveedores participantes si contribuyen más de $ 10 y menos de $ 50 al precio de compra. Todas las familias de WUSD califican bajo el programa de almuerzos gratuitos de CEP. Verifique si su proveedor de servicios participa en el beneficio de banda ancha de emergencia y visite para obtener más información ahora.
over 3 years ago, Willits Unified
Emergency Broadband Benefit
WHS swim team and Coach Mattie went to Ukiah High for the last meet of the season.
over 3 years ago, Mark Westerburg
WHS Swim Team
Dear WHS Students, Parents, and Caregivers, Mendocino College published class schedules for the Summer 2021 and Fall 2021 semesters. Connect with your School Counselors to explore this educational opportunity, or visit the Counseling page on the WHS website for more information.
almost 4 years ago, Lucy
It's almost time to start raining money on the Class of 2021! Seniors, don't miss out on this opportunity for free money! The deadline to apply for the Local Scholarship program is tomorrow by 4:00 p.m. If you are still editing your application, go in, finalize it, and submit it. If you haven't started, block out your calendar and get to work! Check your email or go to the Willits High School Scholarship Information page for program details and link to the application.
almost 4 years ago, Nicole Burke
Raining Money
My first athletic event of the year, it's been too long.. XC up at the Brooktrails Course.
almost 4 years ago, Mark Westerburg
Seniors, how are those local scholarship applications coming along? There is only 1 week left to apply. Don't miss out on free money! The Willits community organizations have scholarships for students planning to go to vocational/trade schools as well as 2 or 4-year colleges. The deadline to apply is Wednesday March 31st by 4:00 p.m. The program details and application has been emailed to you multiple times.
almost 4 years ago, Nicole Burke
Do seniors see this?
almost 4 years ago, Mark Westerburg
The month of March is flying by! Seniors, have you started working on your Willits Local Scholarship application yet? Every year Willits community organizations give money to graduating seniors going to vocational school or college but you have to apply to be considered. Last year the graduating class of 2020 received $109,500. The deadline to apply is Wednesday March 31st by 4:00 p.m. The program information was emailed to you on March 1st and is available on the Willits High School Scholarship Information page:
almost 4 years ago, Nicole Burke
Scholarship app and money
Reopening for on-site instruction. This is the phased in process that will be used. March 15/16 There will be no school for students at Brookside, Blosser, BGMS to prepare the staff and site for the return of students. March 17 Wednesday 0n-site and Dist.Learning resumes - Brookside K-2, Blosser 3-5, BGMS 6th grade only. March 22 Sherwood K-8, Sanhedrin 9-12, BGMS 7-8 March 28 WHS 9th and 10th, Ind. Study students where space is available April 12 WHS 11th and 12th Bus runs, start times and schedule changes will be sent out by the schools sites on Friday.
almost 4 years ago, Mark Westerburg
back to school
It's that time of year again! Time to choose your courses for next school year that is! It is critical that all students take the time to complete the Course Request Google Form that has been emailed to them. Please talk things over with your parents and submit your course requests no later than March 19th! Need help? The counselors are available for 1-on-1 appointments and will be doing video walkthroughs of the google form next week to help students and parents and answer any questions that come up. A google calendar invite was emailed to parents and students. Didn't receive it? No problem! Just email your student's counselor to request that it is resent to you.
almost 4 years ago, Nicole Burke
Course Requests