Work Permit Requests
*Per the WHS Student Handbook, students must have a 2.0 grade point average (GPA) and no 'F' grades at the end of a term to be issued a work permit. 6-week progress grades may be taken into consideration. If a student's grades drop below a 2.0 GPA or a student has one or more 'F' grades, their work permit can and will be revoked.
How to Get a Work Permit:
All minors under age 18 (unless a high school graduate or equivalent), including minors employed by parents, (Ed.C. 49141) must have a work permit.
All Work Permits expire five (5) days after school starts and must be re-issued at the start of each school year or at the time the student obtains a new job.
Work Permits are required all year, not just when school is in session. It serves as an age certificate and states the maximum hours a minor may work based on their age (Ed. C. 49160).
Work permit request forms are available in the WHS main office and on this page to the left.
During the summer, work permits can be issued through the Willits Unified School District main office.
Please fill out the work permit request form in it's entirety before turning it into your counselor. This includes employer and parent signatures! A student must have an employer willing to hire them before a work permit may be issued. Turn the completed form into your counselor's inbox for review.
Hours Minors are Allowed to Work:
Ages 14-15 (School In Session)
3 hours max. per day/18 hours per week.
7 a.m. - 7 p.m.
Ages 14-15 (Summer):
8 hours max. per day/40 hours per week.
7 a.m. - 9 p.m.
Ages 16-17 (School In Session):
4 hours max. per day/Mon.-Thurs.
8 hours max. per day/Fri.-Sun.
5 a.m. to 10 p.m.
5 a.m. to 12:30 a.m. if no school next day.
Ages 16-17 (Summer):
8 hours max. per day/40 hours per week.
5 a.m. - 12:30 a.m.
Ages 16-17 (School In Session):
Enrolled in Work Experience.
6 hours max. per day/Mon.-Thurs.
8 hours max. per day/Fri.-Sun. 40 hours total per week
5 a.m. - 10 p.m. (12:30 a.m. on days preceding a non school day).
For more information on work permits, visit the following website: Information on Minors and Employment