Financial Aid Information

Tuesday January 7, 2025 at 6:00 p.m. in the Computer Lab (Room 33)
Each student AND their parent need to create an FSA I.D. BEFORE coming or you will not be able to submit your application.

If you are interested in attending a webinar, please register in advance! Click on the hyperlinks below to register to attend the webinar day/time that works for you.
CSAC Statewide Cash for College Webinar: Student Registration
Virtual Events:
SoFi: Figuring out your FAFSA 12/3/24 at 5:00 p.m.
Mendocino College free FAFSA/Dream Act Application workshops:
Click here to view the Mendocino College FAFSA/Dream Act application workshop schedule
Planning to go to a college outside of California? Want to save money on nonresident tuition fees?
Founded in 1987, the Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE, pronounced “woo-ee”) is a regional tuition-discount agreement administered by the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE). WUE enables students from one of 16 WICHE states and territories in the Western U.S. to enroll as nonresidents in 160+ participating public colleges and universities and pay 150 percent (or less) of the enrolling school’s resident tuition—which annually saves students an average of $9,000 each on the cost of nonresident tuition. Click here to learn more about participating colleges & how to apply!
Types of aid:

The first step in qualifying for grants is to submit a FAFSA or Dream Act Application.
California Chafee Grant - Grant for students who have been in the foster youth system. Eligibility:
Be a current or former foster youth who was a ward of the court, living in foster care, for at least one day between the ages of 16 and 18.
Youth who are/were in Kin-GAP, a non-related legal guardianship, or were adopted, are eligible only if the youth was a dependent or ward of the court, living in foster care, for at least one day between the ages of 16 and 18.
Not have reached your 22nd birthday as of July 1st of the award year.
Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)
Awarded to undergraduates who demonstrate the highest financial need (must submit FAFSA to qualify).
Administered directly by the financial aid office at each participating college.
Federal Pell Grant
Awarded to students who demonstrate financial need to pay for their education after high school
To apply, simply check "yes" to the appropriate question on your FAFSA application
Your college financial aid office determines the size of the award
California College Promise Grant (CCPG)
Formerly known as the Board of Governors (BOG) fee waiver
Waives the enrollment fees and tuition for eligible California residents attending California Community College(s)
Qualification for the Promise Grant is verified through the FAFSA, CA Dream Act application, or CCPG application.
Cal Grant
Students must be a US citizen, permanent resident or eligible non-citizen and meet eligibility requirements including financial need and minimum GPA
Contact the scholarship office at the schools you are planning to apply to. Most colleges offer their own scholarship opportunities.
University of California (UC) Blue and Gold Opportunity Plan will ensure that you will not have to pay UC’s system-wide tuition and fees out of your own pocket if you are a California resident whose total family income is less than $80,000 a year and you qualify for financial aid. You must file a FAFSA to be eligible.
University of California (UC) Native American Opportunity Plan:
UC’s Native American Opportunity Plan ensures that in-state systemwide Tuition and Student Services Fees are fully covered for California students who are also enrolled in federally recognized Native American, American Indian, and Alaska Native tribes. This plan applies to undergraduate and graduate students.
Undergraduate families under $100,000 income will pay no tuition, room, or board at Stanford University beginning in 2023-2024.
Families under $150,000 income may receive enough scholarship support to cover all tuition costs.
Click here to learn more about Stanford's free tuition program!
Check out the WHS Scholarship page to start looking for scholarships. Click Here!
Work Study:
College program that enables students to work part-time while attending school.
Federal Work-Study programs available. Click here for more information!
Federal Loans:
Must submit a FAFSA or Dream Act Application to qualify.
How to apply for Financial Aid:
STEP 1. Create an FSA ID!
The student applying for aid and their primary parent must each create their own FSA ID.
Keep it in a safe place! You and your parent will need it each year you apply for aid.
STEP 2. Apply using the FAFSA or Dream Act application between December 1st & March 2nd!
AB 540 or Undocumented students need to fill out the Dream Act application.
Do you need help filling out the FAFSA? Go here for a step-by-step guide:
Go here for FAFSA and Dream Act help lines:,8913)
Are you stuck or have a question on the FAFSA or Dream Act application? Chat with a Federal Student Aid live agent here:
The College Board provides access to Wyatt, a free personal chatbox (texting) assistant available 24/7 in case the live agents are not available. You will need to sign up for the College Board Opportunity Scholarship program to access Wyatt but that is win, win! Go here to sign up and access Wyatt:
FAFSA is a free application. If you are on a site that is requiring a fee, redirect your browser to