CTE Residential & Commercial Construction Pathway
Willits High School offers five classes in the CTE Residential & Commercial construction pathway: Electrical, Plumbing, Heavy equipment, and Construction. Each class gives students the opportunity to learn new skills, such as accountability, time management, & decision-making. As well as having a greater chance of finding a successful career. Activities done in this class include making benches, structures, and electrical use.
The Benefits of this Pathway and Associated Careers.
Students who complete this pathway are ready to dive into many different professions. Below are a sample of the professions and their associated average salaries. While students may need to complete further college or university degrees to be fully ready for these professions, they have the understanding of the skills required and what the profession entails.
Jobs Requiring less than a Bachelor of Science
Carpenter - $60, 000
Plumber - $56, 000
Electrician - $60, 000
Heavy Equipment Operator - $53, 000
Concrete Finsher - $54, 000
Roofer - $52, 000
Flooring Installer - $48, 000
Solar Installer - $68, 000