“I am a firm believer that the library should be a warm, welcoming environment where kids know they are always wanted.” C. Carr

Librarian: Rachel Cash

Email: rachelcash@willitsunified.com

Book Fair Happening now!

October 21-25, 2024

Where: Room 13

Times: 8:30 am-4:00 pm

Please be sure to sign up for E-wallet.

The Blosser Lane library is a busy place! What makes it such a busy place?
This year the library is open every afternoon, five days a week. This gives the students the opportunity to get a new book every day! Additionally, the students can come to the library during their recesses to read, play games, or just relax. 

The librarian is always adding fun and new books to the library in both English and Spanish. 

Monthly Challenges: This month is to try and guess how many books are in the library? Ms. Rachel did an inventory this summer, so she knows exactly how many books there are in the library. The winner and prize will be announced next week. 

Caught being kind: This is an incentive for the students to follow the library expectations: being safe, responsible, respectful, and kind. Ten winners will be chosen at random. Winners will be awarded a book of their choice from the Book Juggler. 

Accelerated Reader (AR). Every student is different and reads at different levels. The library is like a scavenger hunt, looking for a book that is challenging and interesting for them to read. Parents, remember the five finger rule: if your student makes more than five mistakes while reading a page, then the book is probably not at their reading level.